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Design District. Urban regeneration plan for Paratacci area in Arezzo
Resilience, Security and Urban Regeneration. Speech at Foligno conference
The city seeks with architecture. Speech and workshop
Progettare Città Intelligenti, Gangemi Editore International. 3M+R participates in the creation of the book, with Prof. Arch. Paolo Verducci
Cycle path by Arno river. Design plan and construction drawings with Arch. Rachele Conover and Chiarini Associati
Urbanpromo 2017. Speech about Technologies for cities redevelopment
Acts of masterclass in Astana on the website of the National Eurasian University
Workshop Smart Cities Policies. Speech at the architecture faculty of Eurasian National University of Astana (Kazakhstan)
Conferences series. Speech about Smart Cities Policies at municipalities and at architecture faculties in Astana and Almaty (Kazakhstan)
BISP - Public Space Biennale. Speech and exposes of the project within the INU focus: The Country I Want
Design for the valorisation of the Umbra Central Railway within the Smart Land. Design plan for Umbria regional authority, Italy
Call to design the reuse of the Expo Area, Milan, Italy, Project with department of Engineering of University of Perugia, Italy
Redevelopment of the area of the former barracks of the Lupi di Toscana, Florence, Italy
Project classified 2th in international competition for new square S. Agostino in Arezzo, Italy
Project classified 10th in international competition for new Florence's public space
Published project. The strategies for the new Baku published in magazine A + C
Aviapolis Urban Block. International Design Contest for the New Helsinki District. The project ranks ninth out of 50 proposals from around the world.
Terni smart city lab Project ranked 33rd in the national ranking for access to finance for the upgrading of suburbs.
International Competition for Reconstruction of the North Coast of Baku, Azerbaijan. Award
Ice shards city. Design plan of redevelopment strategies for Nizhny Novgorod (Russia)